Welcome to EguibarIT!
On June 2020 “Eguibar Information Technology S.L.” has officially stopped its comercial activities. After 11 years on the industry, the company has been closed. But as a contribution, all content will remain public.
EguibarIT is specialized on Microsoft Technologies, being Active Directory (AD) the core infrastructure in which we have years of experience. The design, operation and security of AD is our most empowered quality. But, as any company worldwide, these technologies have to be seamless integrated among the rest of applications and assets, starting from the most basic IP addressing, up to business requirements transposed into the live IT.
The company was founded on 2009, and since then we proudly delivered services to our customers. All these years we deliver solutions to a wide range of companies. Our experience is one of the qualities that customers appreciate.
In today’s modern infrastructure, no system resides alone by itself, so interaction with additional technologies is a must. Core systems must be integrated in order to get out the best of those; network, networking services, applications or databases, just to name some, must be working all together to deliver what a business requires in terms of IT. Other growing concern we cannot forget of is security; companies must protect their investment and assets. Additionally to those challenges, we have the daily operation and its associated cost.
Eguibar Information Technology S.L. EguibarIT has the experience to transform all your infrastructure and operations, helping companies achieve excellence on running and maintaining their valued infrastructure. Our engineers have over 20 years of experience.
Our Mission
Providing a personalized and efficient attention, letting him to concentrate into his core business
Avoid, as much as possible, the stress generated from IT transformation
Increase ROI by automating its environment and improving information flow
Provide evidence on how its costs are reduced by implementing our products and services.
Our Vision
Always provide our customer with an efficient and personalized service, letting her to concentrate into its business
Introduce our costumer into digital information flow, being able to integrate costumers, providers and collaborators into an automated and simple manner
Provide a high level services, like the offered by the IT giants, but at reasonably rates adjusted to its size.